Wednesday, January 21, 2015

To Vlog or not to Vlog?

  Now days we live in a world that is very nosey. Reality T.V. is the norm and on every channel. YouTube is increasingly popular with what "Tech Savvy" people call Vlogs and I am addicted. Something about looking into other people's lives is so fascinating to me. To see how normal people like ourselves live day to day. I have been going back and forth with making our own family Vlog.

  As you all know we are moving to South Korea. I have had the hardest time finding anything about living in South Korea or overseas for families especially military families. I have seen a few blogs here and there on the subject but not really any videos that I can connect with. So I finally worked up enough nerve to ask my husband if this was something we could do as a family and he said yes!

  So in the next few months there will be new blogs and Vlogs up of our experiences PCSing overseas. From our moving day in North Carolina, to the long flight over, our first experience stepping off the plane, living in a hotel, finding our new home for 2 years, and all of our adventures exploring Asia. 

  My first video explains why I would like to make a family vlog and asking if anyone would even want to watch our vlogs. Please go to my YouTube account and hit the SUBSCRIBE button. Thanks, Ya'll!