Wednesday, January 13, 2016

An Open Letter To My Grieving Husband

Dear Husband,

I know no matter how old you get you will always miss your Dad. I see that longing in your eyes on more occasions than I can count when a song comes on that makes you miss him. When your kids do something you wish he could see. When you accomplish something in life that you hope he is proud of.

As your wife, it's painful to see you go through this hurt. I wish I could take that hurt away. When you tell me a story about your dad for the millionth time I smile and laugh because I know that's the way you heal. Who am I to darken that memory of a time you hold so dear by saying I have already heard that story?

When you think about the bond you have with your oldest son, I know it's bittersweet for you. When you see your youngest son, who has your father's name, I know it makes you proud and sad at the same time. Proud to call him by that name but sad to know his grandfather can't boast about it either. When you see your daughter, who has you wrapped around her finger, and get sad knowing that your Dad isn't here to get wrapped up in all of her sweetness too. I see the pain in your eyes when you think I'm not looking.

So I would like to tell you it's okay to grieve as long as you need to. It's okay to grieve a lifetime for him. To feel that hurt. To have that want to see him again. It's okay to talk about him as much as you want. Tell those stories of your dad a million times over. Tell them so his grandchildren will know him in some small way. So I can see why you are the man you are today because of that man.

On behalf of your dad I would like to say you are doing it right. You are a great family man who gives all he can and never asks for anything in return. You are teaching your children how to be good people. To be proud of their family name. You are someone to be proud of and I know he would be proud to stand next to you and say "That's my boy."

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