Sunday, June 28, 2015

Exploring Dreams

No,I'm not talking about that crazy dream in high school where you sat naked in class and everyone was staring at you. I am talking about real-life. Dreams that you keep putting off because life just gets in the way. I am here to tell you that this life you are living isn't going to stop for your dreams. You have to put your dreams into reality if you ever want them to come true. 

James and I have always talked about the possibility of moving to another country. Luckily,with the job he has we can move and explore different places all over the world. While living in Alaska, James and I discovered that we could move to South Korea. That was something interesting to think about but we thought given our luck it could never happen. At the start we were negative about the experience.  We thought that could never happen so why push the issue. 

Alaska living came and went and here we were living in the South not knowing if we would move again. I was just ready to get out of there. Anywhere would be nice for me. As long as we could go. I was just itching to pack a few boxes and travel. South Korea had been in our conversations here and there but we never imagined it would be a choice for us. There's that negative thinking again.

About a year and half before we got the okay to move I started thinking positively. I told myself we would get to Korea one way or another. Whether it be in two years or ten we would be living there one day. I kept this positive outlook until I got the call from James. He sounded so excited when he called me and asked "Do you remember when you said you would go anywhere with me?". 

At that very moment I could feel the happiness shining through me. If happiness were rays of light I would have looked brighter than the sun that day.  I whispered to myself "I knew it would happen." Positive thinking can produce positive things. I believe that if we were to have thought negatively about our dreams they would still just be that,dreams,and not reality.

So I beg you to think positive. Write your bucket list out,put it on your fridge and start crossing dreams off.  Start making your dreams a reality. Whether it be dusting off school books, living a healthier lifestyle, or taking out your suitcase and traveling. Do something you've been dreaming of. Not for me,but for you. Do it for you. Explore your dreams.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The War Museum

Today we had the chance to go to the War Museum with James' unit. James took lots of pictures and we had a good time on the tour. We will be making a second trip to walk the museum by ourselves so we can take our time and really soak in all of the history of the Korean War.

Families evacuating the city of Seoul.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Play Time

  While James was at work today we decided to go check out our apartment playground.  It was small but we were the only ones there so it was just the right size for my two kids. Gracie and Jack only could stand the heat for about 15 minutes and they were ready to head back inside.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

A South Korean Father's Day.

  I woke up on Father's Day to our new wake up call which consists of Koreans yelling,scooters going way too fast, and loud city buses zooming by. I quickly realized it was Father's Day and ran to Jack's room where I had hid our card for James. The kids were less than pleased that I had woke them up so early on a Sunday but did as they were told and slunk to our bedroom. After giving James his card we all went back to sleep for a few hours. After waking back up for the second time I felt like a new person. I guess we are finally getting our much needed extra rest from the time difference and traveling.

  We wanted to end our Father's Day by adventuring out into our block of the neighborhood and surrounding areas.So away we went,off to explore new territory. We discovered that Seoul is a city of stink. Not only can we smell sewage but there is trash everywhere. This is mainly on the side streets and you do get some amazing views and smells in different areas but the kids aren't fans of the smell we happen to catch ever so often. 

We walked through side streets containing fruit and vegetable stands and even a homemade soap stand.Gracie quickly pointed out the irony of a soap stand right next to a smelly pile of trash. There were tons of restaurants to choose from and a coffee shop about every ten feet.  The heat and all the walking really made us tired and hungry. We stopped about five minutes from our house at a pizza place called Pizza School. The menu was in English and and it was ready in under 10 minutes.  We hope to be a little more adventurous next time we order a pizza. Gracie would love to try the Irish Potato pizza while James would like the Chicken Filet pizza. I am a little more adventurous when it comes to food and would like to eat a Bulgogi pizza next.

Jesus Coffee

This is on the street where we live.

One of the fountains in our courtyard.
Pizza School.
It was very yummy but small. Thankfully they knew we were Americans so they didn't put corn on it. Koreans love corn on their pizza.

Our New Home.

  After almost two months of being homeless we are finally able to call someplace "home". Living in a hotel for a little over a week was about to get the best of all of us. We are so thankful to be able to move into our new place of residence for the next couple of years. We have a beautiful view of Seoul Tower and live on a very busy street with lots of restaurants,barber shops, convenience stores and a local Farmer's Market. It is only about a 10 minute walk to post and a 15 minute walk to the PX.

  We were allowed loaner furniture that we can have the option of keeping the whole tour or sending back when our things finally arrive from the states.  Unless James goes on a dream shopping trip(his dream,not mine) to Ikea,we will be keeping most of the furniture because we left what little furniture we had behind in storage. I have been in such a hurry with everything I almost forgot to take any pictures. I have left some things out because I am so scatterbrained with this move. When our things finally arrive and I can make this house a home I will have an updated home blog post.  Enjoy the pictures. *After looking through the pictures I have skipped over things in the house. After we start putting things together in the house I will be making a video so you can see more.
A decorative rock wall is the first thing you will see walking through the front door.

To the right you will see lots of cabinets,to the left is a big walk in closet.

This is most of the kitchen.
The built in Korean washer was too small to hold but one pair of pants. We had to ask for  a loaner American washer. Thankfully we still have some storage and counter space to get to.

Our spacious living room with a great view of Seoul Tower.
The Master Bedroom.

My vanity area. To the right is our walk in closet. The opposite side is more cabinets and our linen closet next to the Master Bath.*I am too tired to rotate the picture. Deal with it. :)

Our Master Bath which includes a separate glass shower,a jacuzzi tub,and a Bidet toilet. James is a fan and the rest of us are not.

Master Bath Sink

Gracie's room.
The Boys Bedroom.

The Kids Bathroom.
The Kids Playroom.