Wednesday, December 10, 2014


  Most of you know the story of Bubba. He was born in December 10 years ago. Although I did not give birth to him I have been with his father since the day Bubba was born.  I have been with Red every step of the way learning about babies,toddlers and children just as much as Red. That is why Bubba is so special to me.

  He was the first baby I had ever been around and I loved getting to see his always smiling face. I guess that is why he is SO special to me. I have seen him grow from a newborn into a handsome,smart,young man. He came to live with us several years ago full time and we have fully enjoyed getting to see him succeed in all aspects of life. Year after year, on his birthday,I think "Wow! How far he has came in such a short time!" 10 years isn't long on this earth but I am so proud of the things Bubba has learned,has accomplished, and has enjoyed in life.

  So here is to the boy that stole my heart,who loves to be loved,who is generous and loving, who plans to be a contractor one day,and name his little girl, Kimberly,after me. I love him so and couldn't imagine him not being in my life. He is a remarkable young man with a wonderful soul. We are all so very proud of our Bubba. Happy Early Birthday to the little boy who stole my heart 10 years ago.

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