Monday, February 23, 2015

There's A Camera In My Face!

  This weekend while filming our practice videos for our move I have noticed that I am not getting any footage of where we are actually going or what we are doing. You can only see so many videos of the kids in the car before you lose interest. I am kicking myself for not filming in Cracker Barrel, J.R's big emprorium, the western wear store and the big Soffe outlet more.

  When you have so many (little) people to watch over you completely forget about filming. It makes it hard on me to remember what I brought the camera for in the first place. This is exactly why we are trying our best to make these practice videos right now. So we can remember to film everything and just maybe in all that we can find something worth capturing to keep our viewers coming back for more. I also need to keep the camera out more so we will all be use to it. Between me trying to get the right words out, getting James to interact with the camera, and getting the kids to not go too wild when there is a camera in their face has became somewhat of a challenge.

  With warmer weather and moving day fastly approaching we hope to have more opportunities to film more of us out and about. This weekend we will be filming Walker Days in Salisbury,N.C., a trip to Jekyll Island, GA in a few weeks for my cousins wedding, spring outings, and more. I am hoping to have better videos once we are busy again and away from this cold weather. We also will be purchasing better video editing software that I hope will make a big difference in the quality of our Vlogs.  Stay tuned for more. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Big shoutout to Amanda who likes to read our blogs to Brian. Thanks for helping our view points go up. After reading this to Brian tell him we said hello! 😄