Wednesday, June 10, 2015

PCS:Day Two-Part Two

Day Two:
Finally,after what seemed like an eternity,we were allowed to board the plane and leave Japan.  At this point the screaming babies that had been in the holding area were even angrier when they realized they were going back on the plane to sit. Boy,were they mad! Sitting for hours can really make a gal hungry and thankfully the flight attendants knew that was an issue.  A sandwich box was sent out right after take off and I made that puppy disappear before Gracie could even start to think about eating hers.

A movie was played for the two hour flight from Japan to South Korea. It made time move super fast and before we knew it we were at Osan Air Force base. James and I were prepared for a briefing of some sort but the kids had no idea. They thought as soon as we got to South Korea we were going to a hotel to sleep for a week. This was not the case even though it was a great idea. We were placed in a conference room where James filled out paperwork and an angry lady soldier told us what was to happen next. The kids were angry,mad,sad,and tears were flowing. I don't blame them though I felt like I needed to shed a few tears too.

We were finally lead to a desk were we had our passports stamped. The angry soldier lady gave us one piece of paper for the passport desk and said it was good for our whole family. Apparently that wasn't the case. So while everyone else is passing us by and getting their bags we are filling out more paperwork. After getting that sorted out and our passports stamped we were able to get our bags. I,unfortunately, found the biggest bag and proceeded to grab it at the wrong end. It landed right on my ankle where a big knot immediately popped up. Was this day ever going to be over?

Three pink and purple charter buses were waiting for all of the soldiers and families to take us to Yongsan Army base an hour away. The kids at this point would have fell asleep standing up and were pleased they finally were able to sit down. We sat in the parking lot on the bus for an hour before the buses were full enough to leave. I tried my best to stay awake and catch a glimpse of Seoul but I figured since we were going to being living here for two years I had plenty of time. I slowly drifted off to sleep to a lullaby of loud charter buses and cursing soldiers.

Arriving on post,the bus stopped to let a small Korean man with a card reader walk around the bus and check our I.D. cards. After that we were on our way to the hotel...or so I thought. We were dropped off at a building right next to the hotel and were advised not to unload our luggage until after the briefing. Another briefing? I needed a bed not another briefing. All command sponsorship families and higher ranks went into a room where the soldiers filled out more paperwork. Thankfully we sat in desks and the kids laid their heads down and went to sleep. After the briefing we were released to get our bags and go to our rooms. James stood in the longest line I have ever seen in a hotel,got our room cards,and we got the heck out of that lobby.

Our room consisted of two queen beds,a small kitchenette, a bathroom with a tub, a vanity area, and tons of storage space. At this point we didn't care if it was an empty room as long as we had a place to stretch out and sleep. We hadn't had anything for supper and none of us mentioned the matter. We were to worried about sleeping. As we fell asleep the only thing we heard was the hum of the A.C. going. No crying babies,no cursing soldiers,and no seatbelt alarm going off. We were finally here at last.

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