Monday, March 7, 2016

A Letter To My Daughter

           When you came into my life I was scared. Scared of being a new mom. Scared of raising a child in this world. Teaching her all I could on how to live a good life. A life she can be proud of. So here's some advice from your mother. I hope one day you can look back on this and remember these words.
1.) Always stick to your feelings, to your gut. There was so many times in my life where I didn't speak up because I thought little girls shouldn't speak their minds. You are so expressive. Never let someone keep you silent. You have a voice.
2.) Be creative. Never have I seen a more creative mind than your own. Make up silly songs, write more stories, and create beautiful pieces of art. There is no limit to what you can create.

3.) Stay young for as long as possible. You don't have to be like the other girls. You don't have to dye that beautiful hair I love to run my fingers through. You don't have to hide that gorgeous face behind layers of makeup.

4.) Love is a beautiful thing. Even in small doses. You don't have to be so serious with a relationship until you are older. Love yourself instead of giving all of your time, effort, and love to a boy. If he truly loves you, he will encourage this love for yourself.

5.) Friends will come and go. Don't be too hard on yourself wondering what happened. Sometimes it's not meant to be explained. You are a wonderful person who will always have wonderful people surrounding you.
6.) Know that no matter what your family will always be here for you. Your brothers, your father, and your mother. You bring the laughter into our lives, the beauty. You show us how to be compassionate and how to love.

7.) Be you. Be your confident, creative, beautiful, lovable self. Everything else will fall into place.

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