Monday, December 8, 2014

A Traveling Family

Some of you may wonder what the title of this blog represents. Some of you may already have a clue. I am hear to tell you that my family does just that. Travels! A great bit I might add. You see, we are a military family with lots of miles on the soles of our shoes. We have lived in several different places but our greatest adventure is yet to come. My better half is in the military and wherever he goes we catch a ride too. Our next move is to Seoul, South Korea. But more on that later.

Since this is a blog about a family I guess I should introduce the family to you. We are made up into five parts. 

Part One: My first child, Brody, is my step son. He is a wonderful child who loves to love and be loved in return. He is in third grade and hasn't been sucked into the preteen stage yet(but I know it is coming) He loves anything that revolves around his father. If I wanted to know what my husband had to eat today, what kind of socks he is wearing, or even how many times he had went to the restroom I could almost bet I would get the exact answer from Brody. Hmm. Maybe I need to get him to let me know if Dad is taking his blood pressure medicine every day.  Brody is a typical boy who loves to hunt,fish,play with remote control anything and a builder of the most amazing forts you could imagine. Without him our family would not feel completely whole.

Part Two: My second child, Gracie Ann, is my only girl. Although her father thinks he rules the house, I will tell you a little secret, Gracie does! You will learn real quick entering my house who the star of the show is. Gracie Ann is a typical girl who loves makeup, Barbie, baby dolls, and who longs for a sister. But do not let all that fool you she likes to hunt, fish, and get dirty with the best of them. On several occasions I have said that Gracie could easily take on her two brothers with both hands tied behind her back. She is feisty and we all love her for it, well maybe her brothers like it on occasion. She is the most creative child I have ever came across. I may just be an overly proud mother but I think that some of her drawings should be hung up on a wall in an art museum but for now she is content with me hanging them up on the refrigerator next to my grocery list.

Part Three: My third child, Jack, is the baby of the family. More importantly is Mommies baby. Ever since he was born he has been right by my side. I have always heard that a mothers love for her son is grand but I never knew exactly to what extent. He is in Kindergarten and growing up faster than his mother would like. Remember when I told you that Gracie runs the show around here? Well she has a rival in competition for her spot. Jack is my wild card! From an infant to present he has had a temper. I blame it on his fathers red hair. I had nothing to do with his temper. Not a thing. He can't help that he has the youngest child syndrome. Although he has his moments he is a generous and loving child. He has a wild spirited imagination that I like to let roam free. Although he was born while we lived in Alaska (and I was so afraid he wouldn't know the meaning of family)he loves going to our hometown and visiting family more than any of us. Family is very important to Jack.

Part Four: My better half and my fourth child, James. He is the typical male species. He loves to hunt, loves his dogs, his truck, his country, and his momma. The first time I met James I didn't give him a second thought. It wasn't until the next year that I fell for him. HARD too. I might can still find the bump on the back of my head if I rub real hard. It took him a little longer to actually realize that I had my eyes on him. Lets just say I pretty much had to grab HIM by the hair and drag him back to my cave. The boy was clueless. Like most males are. Am I right, Ladies? A year and a half later we were married. Two scared kids dreaming of the future. Being married so young has a lot of challenges and throwing three kids into that mix you pretty much know what aisle the Tylenol is on in your local grocery store. (It's on Aisle 6 by the way) James has been a soldier since he was 18 years old. Yes, he is the reason why this blog is called A Traveling Family. He is a good husband and the best father. We can't imagineJames not being here with us. To hear his inappropriate jokes, listening to him sing old country songs (while we travel) or to have one of his warm hugs. We truly do not know where our lives would be without him right by our side.

Part Five: Your Blogger, Narrator, Military Spouse, and Mom. I have very many titles each one with its own group of subtitles. Family is everything to me. Do you remember, as a child, what you dreamed of being when you grew up? I do. From as far back as I can remember I have always wanted to be someone's wife and someone's mother. Sure I tried to please my parents by suggesting that I wanted to be a cosmetologist or a veterinarian but honestly I wanted a family. And here I am an adult living my dream as a wife and a mother. What you will learn from me is that I am very indecisive person and I guess that is why I hate change. It makes me nervous but lets face it everything makes me nervous. I know, a traveling family has a Nervous Nancy in the group? It's genetic. I get it from Grandmother Nervie. No, I am not making that name up. Her first name is actually Nervie. No, she doesn't go by that name. Yes, I am not getting a Christmas present this year now that I have told you her secret. Sorry,Nanny. So I will be the one telling you how scared I am on the plane, riding anywhere in the car with James, how nervous I am for Brody about anything(He is super special to me and I may or may not baby him) how anxious I am to go anywhere alone in Seoul and so on and so on. Hey I have to be the nervous, stop what you are doing, think about it for a month or so before you try it, person in the group. I am the mom. That's what I was made to do.

I wanted to create this blog to journal our travels. Not just to show people our vacation pictures or give you a hotel review. It is to show you how a real military family works. All the anxieties and excitement leading up to a move to the actual move itself. No we are not an example of all military families out there we are just an example of one. One that has came a long way through many obstacles to get to where it is now in life. I will be showing you all sides of our lives, the good, the bad, but mostly the good.  Life is what you make it. So make it good. Make it beautiful. Enjoy our travels!

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