Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Palace Tour

We woke up on our first Saturday here with a firm plan. Find the yard sale we had read about and the Commissary.  After walking what seemed like miles we found the closed post exchange but no yard sale and no grocery store. So we had to think quick to find something to do. The hotel lobby has a counter filled with pamphlets of city tours,shopping,shows,and so much more. They have nice people behind the counter that will help you call the tour companies.We chose the Palace Morning tour,which was of course in the morning, that consisted of a trip to a temple, the changing of the Royal Guard, Gyeongbok Palace,The National Folk Museum,passing by the Presidential Blue House, and an Amethyst jewelry shop.

It was all very interesting but the kids were ready to leave half way through. It just wasn't for them. They were hot and hungry by the end of the tour. Thankfully they dropped us off in Itaewon close to a gate on post. We came back to the hotel where we ate tacos and drank massive amounts of sweet tea.  I'm attaching pictures of our tour below.(You can click on the first picture to view a slideshow.) Enjoy!                                                         Jogye Temple

A white pine tree. It is a very rare tree.
The Palace Gate
Gyeongbok Palace

The Royal Guard Changing Ceremony

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