Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tick Tock

  March has finally arrived. I can't believe how fast time is flying. We just celebrated Gracie's birthday two days ago. I have an eight year old. Can you believe it? Time really is flying. We have had such a busy month already and it just keeps getting busier. We are going to a beach wedding, we have suprise guests coming to stay, James will be finished with school soon, and Jacks sixth birthday is at the end of this month.

  April will be a whirlwind of busyness. James will start out processing, the kids will start telling all their friends and teachers goodbye, we will be having a yard sale for all our junk we cant take with us,and the list goes on.

 May will bring sadness and joy. We will be leaving this house that we have made a home in for the past three years. We will be loading up and hitting the road to our hometown to say goodbye to our family and friends for 2 whole years. We will be saying goodbye to our pets for two years. (This one really hurts) It will be a start of a new adventure. It will bring so much knowledge to all five of us. I hope it brings a sense of appreciation and pride to the kids that their father is able to give them something they will treasure forever.

  June brings Korea. With that brings adventure. Stay tuned