Monday, March 28, 2016

A Letter to My Son

Dear Son,
          People say boys are easier to raise than girls but I think that isn't true. Your Father and I worry about the boy we are helping to raise into a man. How he will turn out. If we have given him all the advice and life lessons he needs to go out into the world and make something of himself. So here's my advice, Son. Here's some things I hope you remember.

1.) Remember that snake is more scared of you than you are of him.

2.) Cherish the moments you have with your father. One day the Old Man won't be here anymore.

3.) One day your first love will break your heart. You will think you can't go on but remember the greatest love you will ever know is the love you give others.

4.) Always give your Momma a kiss and a hug. You will never know how much she loves and adores her boys. She will need this because she will miss her little boy and the love he gave her.

5.) Stand by your word. A man's word is all he's got sometimes.

6.) If you only learn one thing from your Daddy learn to work hard. Work hard for your family. Work hard for the things you want in life.

7.) Take care of your sister. Always treat her with respect. Even though she can probably take care of herself, when she comes crying to you about a boy, be her shoulder to cry on. Tell her she's the greatest and that guy's the biggest Jerk on the face of this Earth.

8.) Don't steal. Don't do drugs. Do what's right. You carry your Father's name, your Grandfather's name, and his father before him. Make them proud, Boy, make em' proud.

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