Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Coon Club Christmas

 Some of you may know that Coon Hunting is a way of life to the men in this family. My boys love a good coon hunt. They love their dogs, they love all the fancy gear they get to use, and they love seeing that hairy bandit up in the tree. It isn't all about the sport though. It isn't all about shining your spot light on the tree and seeing that bushy tail swinging back and forth. It isn't even all about the dogs. More than likely a lot of the fun that you get out of hunting is who you hunt with.

Red has always loved to hunt. To be more exact, Coon Hunt. I have never known a time we didn't own a coon dog except when we lived in Alaska. So you better believe the first thing on Red's mind when we moved back to the South was Coon Hunting. He purchased a dog right away and found him some buddies to hunt with. With not knowing a lot of people in the area Red thought that joining a hunting club would help him find some hunting companions and not to mention some good spots to hunt as well. So that is just what he did. Joined a club.

So now three years later we are enjoying our last few months getting to see all these wonderful people who have been so welcoming to our family.  My family has enjoyed getting to be apart of this little club and will miss getting to see everyone several times a month. These people will forever hold a special place in our hearts when we think of North Carolina and all the good that was here.

Every year the club throws a Christmas party. This is the only Christmas party we attend throughout the holidays. Although it is just club members it reminds me of family and home. It reminds me that no matter where we live we will be able to find inviting hearts to welcome us into their lives. I am so thankful that the coon club allowed us to be apart of something special. Our family has made lifelong memories with these hunting buddies and we will be forever grateful. It was a very bittersweet Christmas party knowing this would be our last. We hope that we will be able to visit these hunting companions again one day, who knows, maybe for another Christmas party.

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