Monday, December 8, 2014

Holly Jolly Christmas

Christmas time is here! This has to be one of my absolute favorite times of the year. I don't know about you but about July I start to get an itch. An itch for all things Santa, twinkling lights, carolers, and snow. I really enjoy this holiday and I think being a parent brings another type of enjoyment to Christmas. You get to see Christmas magic in your children's eyes. What better way to view this wonderful time of year.

With the end of the year fast approaching it also means you are trying to find your address book and send out those holiday cards. And what is a holiday card without a picture of the kids in front of the tree, right? Right? I had the wonderful(crazy)idea to take the pictures myself. If anyone knows my kids they know they have ants literally in their pants.  So with matching PJs on,the kids struggled not to get too close to their siblings and too still for me. After two days of trying to pretend I was a professional photographer (and sweating profusely from anxiety, a hot temper, and trying to get on my kids level, literally) I hopefully took some great pictures of my wild kids. Here are my Christmas Cuties. Enjoy!

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