Saturday, July 25, 2015

Coex Aquarium

This week we had the opportunity to visit Coex Aquarium, inside of the Coex Mall.  Finding a spot in the parking garage was fairly easy and we rode up the escalator to the mall. There were signs on every corner of the mall leading us to the Aquarium. Fridays, we thought, were not going to be very crowded but as soon as we were in the ticket line we knew we were very wrong. There were tons of daycares arriving for a field trip to the Aquarium. The little children were so cute we didn't mind running in to them at every turn. They were the sweetest little things with their matching shirts and walking hand in hand.

The tickets for Adults were 22,000 won, Junior High and High School students were 19,000 won, and Children were 16,000 won. Children four and under are able to get in free. The website says if you have more than one child under four you will have to pay for the extra child(ren). The ticket booth has a sign saying you need to bring your children's birth certificate or passport to show the actual age of the child. I guess they have been scammed too many times. Our bill came to 76,000 won.

I wanted a break from the camera so I decided not to film. James was able to take some pictures with his phone for the blog. There was some silly tanks in refrigerators, beds, traffic lights, and more. There was a tank of little Doctor fish that would clean your hands of dead skin. We all got a laugh out of this.  Although they had several different rooms to view of all different kinds of mammals and fish we will not be going back.  We did not rush through any of the rooms and still felt as if something was missing from the Aquarium. I am sure in South Korea this is a great Aquarium to visit but we have visited larger Aquariums in the states that were much more captivating than this one.  76,000 won plus  9,600 won for parking was just a little expensive on the pocket book when there are so many other, less expensive, things to see in Seoul. Children's Grand Park Zoo is free and Seoul Zoo only cost us about 50,000 won(that's with food, drinks, and a sky lift up the mountain) and was one of the largest Zoo's we have ever been to.

 *When leaving the parking garage it will be a tight squeeze. People will make their own parking spots in the exit lane.  If a car comes up your lane, one of you will have to back up to get out. Our huge vehicle barely made it through the tight space.

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