Thursday, July 2, 2015

Seoul Tower

After a long day of driving to Osan Air Force base we came home to rest. We didn't intend to do anything else but lay around for the rest of the evening. James tried to watch a movie but he just wasn't getting into it,I was pinning away on Pinterest,and the kids were screaming and fighting. I decided we needed to get out of the house.

There is a sign right by our house saying there is a park just up the hill. We searched for the park but couldn't find where the children's section was. So since we were at the foot of the mountain where Seoul Tower is located we decided to take our tower trip a day early. We chose to ride the cable car rather than walk the stairs up. The price for riding the car was 6000 won for Adults and 3500 won for kids.

After stepping out of the cable car you have several different places to eat to get a cold drink and anything on a stick. You had a choice between walking up steps or a ramp. We didn't want to seem like lazy Americans so we took the steps up to a beautiful open spot to look out over the city. This scenic spot was also very colorful. People can buy locks to put on the rails. Usually a couple will write a heartfelt message with their initials on the lock,attach it to the railing and give the key over to their sweetheart for safe keeping. They did have locks for sale but I am sure you can bring your own lock too.

We walked up more steps to a great big pavilion where couples of all ages were resting. To the left of the pavilion is a great big open space with lots of greenery. Seoul Tower is located here. Before you walk to the tower there is a place to the right where you can purchase tickets to go up to the deck to have a better look inside the tower. We had a perfect view from the lower decks and enjoyed looking at the view and all the colorful locks everywhere. On the way down we took the step path that had a couple nice views as well. We really enjoyed our time together today exploring Seoul Tower and we will make sure to bring a lock next time.

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