Monday, April 25, 2016

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Throughout our travels we have learned some tips that have worked great for our family. I hope some of these tips can come in handy for you too! *All families are different so some of these tips may work for your family or they might not. They have came in handy for my family of five.

Tip #1-Backpacks for each kid. Even when the children were little we gave them a small backpack to carry so when the time came to play with a toy they could easily get to it theirselves in their own backpack. 

Tip #2-Set a time frame for playing with toys. We always wait to bring out toys until the last leg of the flight. We make sure before the flight to explain to the kids that nothing will come out of their backpacks until the last half of the last flight of the day. They know what is expected and do not ask about getting into their backpacks until then.

Tip #3-One pair of pajamas. Unless someone isn't night trained we only pack one pair of pajamas.

Tip #4-Use the Roll Method. I get so much more room in our suitcases by rolling up our clothes. This also helps with wrinkles.

Tip #5-Buy lots of sunscreen.  You can never have enough! Buying before your trip will save you money as everything is higher priced in a tourist town.

Tip #6-Socks. Even if it's a beach trip, bring socks. Little feet tend to get cold on the plane and at night in the hotel room.

Tip #7-Wipes. Even if your children aren't babies anymore pack wipes in your carry on. We use them to wipe down surfaces and dirty faces. 

Tip #8-Extra set of clothes. You never know who may get sick or spill something on their travel clothes. Always have an extra set of comfortable clothes in a grocery bag or a Ziploc bag. Use the bag to put the dirty clothes into. 

Tip #9-Comfortable Headphones. The airplane headphones have never been a source of happiness for anyone in my family. Comfortable headphones have been so helpful at getting my kids to sit still through the in-flight movie. 

Tip #10-Hotel Laundry Room. Check to see if your hotel offers a laundry room. Washing your clothes while on vacation helps you pack less and gives you more room in your suitcase for souvenirs. 

Tip #11-Bring grocery bags or trash bags for dirty clothes. This has helped with dirty clothes not being scattered all over the room.

Tip #12-For the Ladies. Pack dresses that can be used as cover ups too.

Tip #13-Pants and a jacket.  Even if it's a trip to the beach pack a pair of pants and a jacket. Hiking up a mountain or a rainy day can cool things down a bit. *It helps if the jacket works as a rain jacket as well. In Alaska, Hawaii, and Korea this was a must.

Tip #14-Sleeping on the plane. Bring a neck pillow and a small blanket. My kids have said they love bringing a blanket from home because it smells like our house. I believe this helps them sleep better on long flights.

Tip #15-Drink the complimentary drink. If it's offered, drink it! On our trip to Hawaii, Hawaiian Airlines gave their travelers Mai Tais. It set the mood for our vacation off right. 

Tip #16-Snacks. Pack snacks and more snacks for your kids and for YOU. I don't know about you but me and my husband can get grumpier than the kids when we haven't eaten. 

Tip #17- A nice outfit. Pack at least one nice outfit for dinner. 

Tip #18-Parent's Night Out.Check to see if your hotel offers babysitting services. If vacationing with family or friends see if they would be nice enough to babysit. Maybe swap up nights and watch their kids the next night or buy a souvenir for them when returning from your date night.

Tip #19-Sunscreen Alarm. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to reapply sunscreen. 

Tip #20-Pool ready. Have your bathing suits and beach towels on top of your clothes inside your suitcase. Sometimes you may not be able to check in to your room for quite a while. Grab your bathing suits and head to the pool while waiting.

Tip #21-USO. If you are military and have your military I.D. card with you please take advantage of the USO in the airport. James showed his I.D. to the person sitting behind the desk, signed in, and we grabbed snacks and drinks for FREE! They also have nice comfy seats to sit in and relax away from the crowded, noisy airport. 

Tip #22-Pool and beach toys. Buy them before going on your trip for half the price that they sell them for at the tourist town stores.

Tip #23-Gum. When taking off and landing I always give everyone chewing gum. It helps their ears pop. 

Tip #24-Medicine Bag. Bring a Ziploc bag labeled "Meds". I have been lucky enough not to ever have a sick family member while traveling but I always have medicine just in case. 

Tip #25-Save the bags! Use the drawers! I have tried putting each outfit in a Ziploc bag before and it just wasn't for me. We always unpack our suitcase the first day we arrive and put all our clothes in the hotel dressers. If there is enough room the kids get their own drawer so clothes won't get worn that aren't theirs. 

Tip #26-Hair Dryer? When going to the beach I never bring my hair dryer. I always take mousse or gel and have perfect beach waves for the entire trip. If you have room and you're hair refuses to curl naturally bring your own hairdryer. I do not have thick hair and it still takes double the time as it normally would to dry my hair using the small hotel hair dryer.

Tip #27-Suprise the kids! Have a new toy, book, or game for the kid's travel backpack. It's a nice surprise and keeps them entertained. 

Tip #28-Husband doesn't care or does he? Wives, if your husband says that he doesn't care what he wears and asks you to pack for him, make your husband take a look at what is packed for him before leaving. James always makes me pack for him and I always make him check afterwards to make sure it's what he wants. It works for us. 

Tip #29-Hair ties and more hair ties! My daughter loves to wear her hair wet and in a braid in the summertime. She also likes to lose every hair tie that she owns. I always bring extra because we will lose a few during our trip. 

Tip #30-Discover the airport. While waiting to board the plane, check out the airport. My favorite airport is in Seattle. They have tons of things to do and see. This keeps the kids occupied while waiting to get on the plane. 

Tip #31-Find a grocery store. You don't have to eat out every meal. Go find the nearest grocery store and stock up on things you can easily make in your hotel room. Sandwiches are always your best "meal" friend. 

Tip #32-Talk to your kids before traveling. Explain to the kids about things like how the plane feels to you when taking off and landing, how long the drive is, and what to expect when you get to your destination. I find with my children that the more they know the calmer they are. 

Tip #33-Romance. Make time for you and your spouse. Whether it's finding a babysitter to watch the kids while you go out to a romantic dinner or having a drink on the balcony after the kids go to bed. Too often we make our trips all about the kids and not a single second about us. It's okay to have adult time on a family trip too. 

Tip #34-Relax. You're on vacation! 

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