Saturday, April 11, 2015

iMovie. A Love-Hate Relationship.

  "iMovie,Oh, how I have longed for you! I love you so! iMovie,why can't you just do what I want you to do? I hate you."-a happy but confused vlogger.

  Do you remember as a kid getting a new friend and you just couldn't wait to get over to their house and play all kinds of new games? Finally the day arrives, your friend tries to teach you a new game, and you fumble around trying to get all the rules right. Finally you feel like you are getting the hang of things, but now your friend changes the rules on you(because they ARE the rule maker). Then you feel like you will never get it right. This is how I feel about iMovie at this moment.

  iMovie is fairly easy to use and has all kinds of neat extras but there is far more I can discover in time. I hope everyone understands I am just learning how to use this and I know that it could be so much better. Please continue to watch my progress. I hope to get better for you all, and make better quality videos.

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