Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend.

  As I'm sitting here in an empty house I feel a tinge of pain in my heart. Almost fours years in North Carolina and a majority of our time was spent in our big blue house.  Oh, to think back on all the memories we have made here.

  This is the only home our two youngest children actually remember living in.  They have had their moments of sad realization that we will not be returning to this house again.  I hurt for them when these moments happen but help them to get excited about living in a new place and all the wonderful things a PCS move can bring.  A new home, a new neighborhood, a new school, and new friends.  The chance to experience another culture and to discover another part of the world their little minds never knew existed.

 As I sit here in my empty house it's almost like saying goodbye to an old friend. Talking about the past and everything that has happened between the two of you. Trying to keep the horrible, impending, goodbye far out of reach. Knowing you will never see each other again.

So goodbye, Big Blue House,you have been such a wonderful place for all our memory making. I hope the next family enjoys you just as much as we have. I hope to find a new place to make memories soon. One that will make me feel that tinge of pain that I have felt with you.  So long, my friend.

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