Friday, April 17, 2015

Travel Series:Kids Edition-Part 1.

  Traveling with kids is never an easy task.  Especially when you are all living out of a suitcase for several weeks.  Since we are only traveling with two kids I am able to fit all of their clothes into one suitcase. This left little room to hold toys to occupy their time in the hotel room.  So I turned this negative into a positive. I have turned a carry on bag into a hotel toy box.

 Gracie's toys just consist of two Frozen dolls and three Barbie dolls. I didn't pack much in the suitcase for her because she will also have her stuffed animal,Buddy, and her American doll on the plane with her.

Jack's toys consist of several ImagineNext toys,a wrestler,TMNT toy,and for some reason an Elvis doll. He was very insistent on this.
We also added a few books to the "toy box".  Dr. Suess is always a favorite.
Here is the lot together. It may seem like a tiny amount but I do not want too many toys scattered around the small hotel room. They will also have toys in the backpacks they will be carrying on the plane. So there is no need to fill the suitcase up with toys.
I added two quilts that my Mother had made for the kids in as well. I am hoping if we have any issues  with the time change and sleeping habits this will comfort them enough to fall asleep.
This is the final stage of packing. I have Jack's toys on one side and Gracie's on the other. That way no one will have toys mixed up with someone else's. (Trust me,that would be an issue.) With having a little extra room in the suitcase,if we have small miscellaneous items that won't fit in another suitcase we can just stuff it in here.

Thanks again for supporting us and reading our blog.  Part 2 will be coming soon!

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